Renasteril Hot Disinfectant is a citric acid based disinfectant meant for use in Haemodialysis Machine with proportional mixing system effective at above 60°C. It is used for chemo-thermal disinfection of Haemodialysis machine.
Compositions Available
21% citric acid
Malic acid
Lactic acid
Shelf Life - 12 Months from date of manufacture
Disinfects and cleans bio-film, calcium, magnesium deposits from Haemodialysis machine, thus preventing machine breakdown and ensuring longer machine life
Renasteril Hot Disinfectant is biodegradable, environmental friendly and a sustainable product to use
Major Users in India
Nephroplus Group of Dialysis Centers
Fortis Group of Hospitals
NU Hospital, Bangalore
Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala
Catalogue of Renasteril Hot Disinfectant
Serve over 50,000 patients per year
Assist in over 5 Million dialysis treatments per year